slave reparations: the final passage
This documentary is an examination of the arguments, pro and con, for the payments of compensation for the injustice suffered by Africans and African-Americans under slavery.
It's a matter of mis-education and lack of understanding in both the black and white communities that hurts the current slave reparations movement. That's the message of his documentary, which provides an historical background on the current controversial movement and answers the most often voiced arguments against the payment of reparations to African Americans through interviews with some of the movement's most prominent proponents, including Prof. Manning Marable, Dr. Alvin Poussaint, Rev. Herbert Daughtry, Richard E. Barber,
and others. (Directed by John Eisler, Arlene Corsano, USA, 2004, 28 min., documentary, English)
DVD ou fichier digital avec droit de projection: 250,00 €
DVD or HD file with projection rights: 250,00 €