moto taxi
Conducteurs de Moto-taxi (Bendskins) dans la capitale Yaoundé, SANI, MARIE et FRANCK sont trois jeunes moto-taximen aux destins et histoires singulières. SANI doit affronter CHARLES, son employeur et par ailleurs père de SAMEDI, sa copine, qui attend un enfant de lui. MARIE, violée il y a cinq ans, essaie de retrouver TOM, son violeur. Et FRANCK de son côté, doit tout faire pour se débarrasser du corps sans vie d’un enfant de 8 mois.
Narcisse Wandji, Cameroun, 2021, 90 mins, drame, Français
Also available with English Subtitles
Sani, Marie and Franck are three young moto-taxi drivers with unique destinies and stories. Sani has to face Charles, his employer and also father of Samedi, his girlfriend, who is pregnant of him. Marie, raped five years ago, tries to find Tom, her rapist. And Franck, on his side, must do everything to get rid of the lifeless body of an 8 month old child who is none other than the nephew of Alexa, his girlfriend.
Directed by Narcisse Wandji, Cameroon, 2021, 90 mins, drama, French (with English subtitles)
DVD ou fichier digital avec droit de projection: 250,00 €
DVD or HD file with projection rights: 250,00 €